For the past three years De Molen has made a special beer to bring in the European summer, which we then hold until a suitable time nearing our summer. And this month is time to present the Summer of ’19.
It is a little berliner weisse with cranberries being the fruit addition of choice. The beer is also dry-hopped with Simcoe, Mosaic and Citra hops though the effect I get from this is minimal.
The beer pours a lovely cloudy pink, which reminds me of rose petal vodka I once drank in a Russian restaurant – that stuff was delicious!
And this beer is as well. Just a tiny hint of sour, though the effect of the cranberries is to make it more into a sweetish tartness. A thicker mouthfeel makes for a slightly heavier body than you might expect from this style of beer, though is seems to lengthen the aftertaste nicely.
Beers like this are indeed made for a warm afternoon. Enough flavour to keep the tastebude entertained, and low enough alcohol to ensure you can make it a decent session.