This is our third beer from the Prearis range, the brewer who was awarded ‘Best Hobby Brewer’ in 2011, and then voted Ratebeer’s ‘Best New Belgian Brewer 2013’.
It pours a hazy blond colour, with a thick, creamy head. The aroma is of typical Belgian yeast, bready malts and herbal, grassy hops.
There is an initial sweetness of tropical fruits and a little caramel malt. The hops join in quickly to lift the palette with a fresh grassy and slightly earthy flavour. As the flavour progresses, the beer dries out to leave a pleasant, ever so slightly sour, bitter finish.
More awards: they keep coming for the little microbrewery, seeing their Quadrocinno voted third best beer at the 2014 Zythos festival. It is a 10% Belgian-style quad, with chocolate and coffee!