All the beers below have featured in one of our past member 6-packs.  (Note: they do not represent our wholesale portfolio).

Since June 2013, we have sourced for our beer club members 805 unique beers, from 154 different breweries, being over 100 different styles from 15 different countries.  Many of these have not been seen in the retail market but only enjoyed by our members.  Take a browse through the history of our efforts, or use the search function to look up something specific. 

De Molen Amerikaans

by Brouwerij De Molen

An American-style Pale Ale-ish, featuring Columbus & Amarillo dry-hop

De Molen Licht & Lustig

by Brouwerij De Molen

Essentially an American Pale Ale, with a decent caramel malt body

De Molen Pale Ale Citra

by Brouwerij De Molen

De Molen's take on a session American Pale Ale

Dochter van de Korenaar La Frontière

by De Dochter van de Korenaar

A (restrained for the style) American Pale Ale from the good Dochter

La Debauche Volga

by Brasserie La Debauche

La Debauche's version of the classic American Pale Ale

Pinta A Ja Pale Ale

by Browar Pinta

An American Pale Ale from Pinta

Pinta Hazy Morning

by Browar Pinta

A tasty session pale ale from Pinta

Redchurch Bethnal Pale Ale

by The Redchurch Brewery (UK)

An American style Pale Ale made using English malts and American hops

Uiltje Psycho Pekko Parrot

by Brouwerij het Uiltje

A double dry hopped NE style American Pale Ale. Lots of acronyms there for an easy drinking beer