All the beers below have featured in one of our past member 6-packs.  (Note: they do not represent our wholesale portfolio).

Since June 2013, we have sourced for our beer club members 805 unique beers, from 154 different breweries, being over 100 different styles from 15 different countries.  Many of these have not been seen in the retail market but only enjoyed by our members.  Take a browse through the history of our efforts, or use the search function to look up something specific. 

Kaapse Carrie

by Kaapse Brouwers

An IPA featuring a bevy of different hops, with a big caramel malt body

Kaapse Jaapie

by Kaapse Brouwers

A lovely imperial read ale brewed by De Molen for Kaapse Brouwers

Kaapse James

by Kaapse Brouwers

A Double Farmhouse ale brewed at De Molen for Kaapse Brouwers

Kaapse Jordy

by Kaapse Brouwers

A sort of Belgian style strong blonde ale, made using unsold sourdough bread

Kaapse Karel (Gluten Free)

by Kaapse Brouwers

An American Bitter which has been 'de-glutenised' with the use of a special enzyme

Kaapse Klaas

by Kaapse Brouwers

A rich, spice winter beer is just the thing to warm up on a cold winters night

Kaapse Maria

by Kaapse Brouwers

A Vermont Pale Ale - a really soft, juicy and very easy-drinking beer

Kaapse Tess

by Kaapse Brouwers

'Tess' is a White White Saison - a farmhouse ale fermented on Pinot Grigio white wine barrels and hopped with Hallertau Blanc hops

Kaapse Tineke

by Kaapse Brouwers

An oatmeal stout with a rich, creamy and luxurious chocolatey flavour