All the beers below have featured in one of our past member 6-packs.  (Note: they do not represent our wholesale portfolio).

Since June 2013, we have sourced for our beer club members 805 unique beers, from 154 different breweries, being over 100 different styles from 15 different countries.  Many of these have not been seen in the retail market but only enjoyed by our members.  Take a browse through the history of our efforts, or use the search function to look up something specific. 

Bornem Dubbel

by Brouwerij Van Steenberge

A classic Belgian dubbel brewed by Brouwerij Van Steenberge

Bruges Zot Dubbel

by De Halve Maan Brouwerij

Dubbel style beer brewed with 6 different malts and Saaz hops for a unique bitterness.

Corsendonk Pater

by Brouwerij Corsendonk (at Brasserie Du Bocq)

A classic Belgian dubbel style ale, ticking all the boxes as a perfect example of the style.

De Graal Dubbel

by Brouwerij De Graal

A dry and slightly spicy Belgian dubbel

Emelisse Dubbel

by Brouwerij Emelisse/Slot-Oostende

Emelisse's take on the classic Belgian Dubbel style

Grimbergen Dubbel

by Alken-Maes (Heineken)

A typical Belgian dubbel style beer, from a label with an interesting history

Inselbrau Baltic Dubbel

by Rügener Insel-Brauerie

A big dubbel that doesn't just copy the Belgian style

La Debauche Double Belge

by Brasserie La Debauche

La Debauche presents their interpretation of the classic Belgian Dubbel style

Maredsous Brune 8

by Brouwerij Duvel-Moortgat

A typically taste Belgian Dubbel or Brune/Bruin with a sweet fruity and malty body, balanced by an earthy, spicy and slightly citrus hop bite

Mokke Bruin

by Mokke Bier

A Belgian Dubbel with a rich malty body and a few subtle hints of something a little different

Petrus Dubbel

by Brouwerij De Brabandere

A deliciously malty Begian Dubbel made using 6 different specialty malts

Postel Dubbel

by Brouwerij Alken-Maes

A tasty Belgian Dubbel from an old abbey label, now owned by the might of Heineken

Rochefort 6

by Brasserie De Rochefort

The baby of the Rochefort range; an amber brown dubbed style ale with all the elegance of a classic Trappist ale

St Bernardus Pater 6

by Brouwerij St Bernardus

The Pater 6 from St Bernardus is in the Belgian dubbel style

Steenbrugge Bruin

by Brouwerij Palm (Swinkels Family Brewers)

From the Palm Brewery portfolio comes the Steenbrugge Bruin

Viven Bruin

by Brouwerij Van Viven

A traditional style Belgian dubbel from a little brewery in the village of Damme, just outside Bruges

Witkap Pater Dubbel

by Brouwerij Slaghmuylder

A dark but traditional-tasting Belgian Dubbel style