All the beers below have featured in one of our past member 6-packs.  (Note: they do not represent our wholesale portfolio).

Since June 2013, we have sourced for our beer club members 805 unique beers, from 154 different breweries, being over 100 different styles from 15 different countries.  Many of these have not been seen in the retail market but only enjoyed by our members.  Take a browse through the history of our efforts, or use the search function to look up something specific. 

Gruut Blond

by Gentse Stadsbrouwerij

Brewed to a 1000-year old recipe, this is a great example of an almost-forgotten style.

Gruut Bruin

by Gentse Stadsbrouwerij

Brewed without hops, using a mixture of herbs and spice; one of the best 'gruit' style beers you'll taste

Gruut Wit

by Gentse Stadsbrouwerij

An interesting Belgian Witbier, adhering to the Gruit style of using herbs and spices instead of hops