Lovers of big, dark Christmas beers rejoice, we have the offering from Delirium to whet your appetite for the festive season ahead.
Each year we only manage to get our Christmas beers in February. The timing just doesn’t work being so far away, but they find there way into bars and bottleshops through the year. We needed to hide these away in a dark corner of the cool room to save them for this time of year.
It pours a lovely rich dark amber, with a dirty white foam through which to take in the Belgian yeast aromas, dark stone fruits, banana and gentle spice.
Invitingly sweet at the front of the tongue, the flavours unwrap to reveal toasted malts, Belgian candi, raisins and plums and just lights hints of Christmas pudding spice and nuts without overdoing things. As all good beers do, it dries out nicely for a slightly bitter, satisfyingly rich aftertaste.
Having spent a lot of time in Belgium, this beer is quintessentially Belgian Christmas. And what could say ‘European Christmas more than a faux-ceramic bottle, with a pink elephant guiding a toboggan down the slopes?!!