Here we have another of the Blaugies beers, this time it is their farmhouse ale brewed with wheat and fermented with fig juice.
It is apparently a traditional style of beer for the Hainaut region, though I can’t remember coming across another one in my travels.
The beer pours a dark orange colour, and the small white bubbles form a really thick foam atop the beer. The aroma is fairly subtle really, with a light barnyard funk, a fruity aroma of pear (and I guess) fig, grass and straw.
The taste is a little different to what you might expect. It is immediately creamy and smooth, with a noticeable fruit character. Knowing what’s in this beer, you of course can taste fig juice with the dark fruit sweetness and the slightest tartness.
There is no great funk in the flavour, though there is a grassy note to the hops. The yeast is interesting in that it leaves the beer dry without making it bone dry like a typical saison.
I think it takes a good few sips of this beer before you really start to discover all the flavours it offers. Different and intriguing, I think this is a clever creation.
The newest beer from farmhouse masters Blaugies is Blonde de Blaugies
A spelt saison brewed in collaboration with Hill Farmstead