We don’t normally include lagers in our beer packs, but there is a place for good quality lager beer. And one of the best lager-producing nations is Germany. So we’ve included this Wolferstetter Helles Lager.
It pours an attractive golden yellow colour, glowing beneath the creamy white foam. The aroma is of clean, crisp malt with a small amount of sweetness.
This beer is very smooth, with a full malt body. There is a little fruity sweetness that creeps in mid-beer, followed by a very slight spiciness. As the beer dries out to the finish, some hop bitterness presents in time for a pleasant lingering aftertaste.
About the beer style: The Munich Helles is probably the most common beer style found in Bavaria. The style was introduced back in 1894, after a style of malt was created especially for this beer. It rivaled the famous Pilsners, though with a stronger malt body and less noticeable hop character. The elegance is in the simplicity.
A traditional German wheat beer from one of Bavaria's oldest breweries
A classic Pilsener, paying tribute to 'the father of pils'